King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Byron & politics: ‘born for opposition’

7. Letter of Lord Sligo to Byron, 20 February 1812

NLS Ms.43408, f.32r-v

To avoid attending the House of Lords, Byron often paired off with Lord Sligo, a Cambridge contemporary whom he had met in Athens. As he explained in a letter of 1 February 1812 to Francis Hodgson, ‘Lord Sligo and myself, being tired, paired off, being of opposite sides, so that nothing was gained or lost by our votes.’

Despite Sligo’s praise, Byron’s speeches were not generally well received.

Albany Friday Fy 20th 1812
My Dear Byron
Give me leave to congratulate you on the safe delivery of your first political bantling which has set the whole town talking. I have just heard the highest Eulogium pronounced on it which I assure you gave me the greatest pleasure. Do you go to the house to night or not? Are you inclined to pair off as usual: I have a most delightful toothache which makes me rather wish to stay at home.
Yours truly Sligo

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