King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences

Our delegates

XRchiving.London brought together a vibrant community of specialists in the world of immersive heritage: historians, archivists, architects and building information managers, software and games designers, and academic specialists in digital humanities. Many of them are based in London, but their audience is worldwide, consisting of:

  • Tourists, students, workplace employees, and cultural enthusiasts of all ages;
  • Data specialists, humanities academics, archivists, publishers and media professionals;
  • Immersive, location-based, Augmented Reality technologists, AI experts, and games designers;
  • Smart Cities researchers, social geographers, architects, and urban planners;
  • Corporate entities reflected in the growing number of UK’s Business Improvement Districts which value the digital dimension of the Public Realm.

The shared objective was the exploration and identification of inspiring, immersive technologies and what can be accomplished with the rich accumulation of stories and data that have made London a global leader over several centuries in the worlds of commerce, science, literature, and media.

Further information and updates on the conference was provided by:

Geoff Browell (                                             

Rob Morgan (                                 

Tam McDonald (

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