King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
On the Veldt: The British Army in South Africa 1899-1902

Applying the findings to all types of muscle

photo of model shaped like a cylinder of regularly stacked white spheres except for a row of coloured spheres twisting up the column3-D model of muscle fibreThe two scientists returned to England in 1954 and began working on complementary research to apply their findings to various types of tissue and explore precisely the smaller scale motile mechanism of fibre movement or what it was that caused the fibres to pull against one other.

Huxley concentrated his research on vertebrate striated muscle and Hanson, now back at King's, on invertebrates, in particular insect flight muscle and molluscs, and focussing on the other main kind of contractile tissue: smooth muscle.

During this stage of her studies, from 1958, Hanson worked alongside the physiologist, Jack Lowy, an expert on invertebrates.

Together, they showed that the sliding filament mechanism was indeed applicable to all kinds of muscle; their fruitful academic partnership again also demonstrating Hanson's great talent for collaborative research.

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