King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
On the Veldt: The British Army in South Africa 1899-1902
Home|Archives Exhibitions|On the Veldt: The British Army in South Africa 1899-1902|The pioneering work of Professor Jean Hanson, 1919-1973 

The pioneering work of Professor Jean Hanson, 1919-1973

portrait photograph of Jean Hanson without spectacles wearing a white blouseJean Hanson The year 1954 saw the publication in Nature of two papers that independently proposed the 'sliding filament mechanism' of muscle contraction: one by the biologist Jean Hanson of King's and her colleague Hugh Huxley and the other by the unrelated Andrew Huxley and Ralph Niedergerke.

This online exhibition celebrates the life and explores the discoveries of Hanson - one of the most influential researchers to have worked at King's College London in modern times.

generic images of the legs of runners competing in a raceAction sports Her work has led to an understanding of how athletes can run faster and develop greater stamina by providing an insight into the molecular secrets of locomotion.

It has made recovery from injury and disease speedier and more complete, in particular by a greater knowledge of the operation of muscles such as those belonging to the heart, and it has paved the way for the next generation of research into the creation of artificial muscle.


Link to online catalogue: Professor (Emmeline) Jean HANSON (1919-1973)

PLEASE NOTE: This exhibition was created for the web and is only available to view online. It initially appeared online in 2004 to celebrate the 175th anniversary of the founding of King's.

Images should not be reproduced without permission.

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