King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Stories of Strand-Aldwych

Victims accounts from the Old Bailey

During the proceedings at the Old Baily Dr Bromley said:

‘I am registered under the Dental Act—at St. Martin's Lane, in 1895, I was introduced to Baron by Mr. Rosenberg—Baron asked me to let him have two show cases, and he had some of my cards to send persons to me, but he never sent anyone—this (produced) is the framework of the case.’[1]

During the proceedings, Chengalath Krishna Menon, provided the following account of this experience:

‘I am lecturer at the Agricultural College of India—I went to 47, Strand, to be shaved, and saw Baron and two or three other men—while I was being shaved something was said about having my teeth scaled—I consented to have it done, and when it was done I was asked to pay £2; I refused—Baron said that I should have to pay—I pulled out 3s. and gave my card—Baron stood at the door—I tried to push my way out; he pushed me back, and I shouted "Police"—he said I was a dirty nigger, and no gentleman—one of them put his hands on me in Baron's presence, but I got out.’[2]

Duncan Cerar provided this illuminating account:

‘I come from Glasgow; I came up with Mr. Nash in January, and went into 164, Strand, to be shaved—the man who shaved me said, "Would you mind having the tartar taken off your teeth?"—my friend then came over and asked if I was aware of the price; I said, "No"—I asked the assistant the charge; he said 30s.—I got up and went to a desk, and saw Baron, who corroborated it—I refused to pay it—he said, "Would you mind coming into this side room?"—we followed him with two assistants—Baron said that the price was 35s.—I refused to pay it—he said, "30s."—I refused that—he said, "£1"—I said I would pay 10s. at present and remit the other amount—he agreed, and asked me for the 10s.—I said that I would not pay it till he gave me a receipt—the assistant wrote out a receipt, and I gave him the money—they told me if I refused to pay they would put it in the hands of a solicitor, and have me summoned—the assistants stood in the ante-room, all in a row.’[3]

Another victim Frederick Ratcliff, from the Isle of Man, gave the following account:

‘I live in the Isle of Man—on September 3rd I went into 164, Strand—Browett shaved me and said that my teeth were very bad and he could clean them; it would only take a few minutes—I consented; he used a white liquid on a bit of wood and said it was worth five guineas an ounce; I asked the price; he said it would not cost me much, they did it cheaply as they did a lot of work from recommendation—when he had done he asked for £2—I said that I could not pay him—he said that the work had been done and I should have to pay—he told his assistant to put his coat on and go with me to my lodging—he had asked where I came from, and I told him the Isle of Man—I paid 30s.; it was the only way of getting away—he gave me a guarantee that my teeth would keep white ten years.’

In the end both Baron and Browett were found guilty and sentenced to 15- and 12-months’ hard labour.


[1] Old Bailey Proceedings, 18th November 1895, [Accessed August 2022].

[2] Ibid.

[3] Ibid.

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