King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Stories of Strand-Aldwych

George Yonge

`Trade card of George Yonge`[1]`Trade card of George Yonge`[1]  

Our next clockmaker is George Yonge, whose firm of George Yonge & Son produced a myriad of household clocks and watches on the Strand from the 1820s to the 1850s. From 1820 to 1828 Yonge was the official Clockmaker to the Lord High Admiral, with his workshop moving between a number of the Strand addresses throughout this heyday. One such residence is recorded at 156 Strand in 1841, a mere four doors down from Somerset House. Here at the heart of Regency and early Victorian clockmaking, it is easy to imagine Yonge’s pieces as those in the hands and drawing rooms of Fagan, Mr. Brownlow or Master Humphrey of Oliver Twist and Master Humphrey’s Clock. Indeed, at the exact same time that these Dickensian characters filled the pages of London’s serial magazines, Yonge’s domestic timepieces were proliferating across the capital from 156 Strand.


[1] The British Museum Collections, [Accessed August 2022].

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