King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Stories of Strand-Aldwych


Those prone to lament drastic change are not suited to life in London. The entire city exists in a constant state of renovation and reorganisation. The Strand lies at the geographic heart of this unending metropolitan metamorphosis. Currently, the Strand is undergoing a large scale pedestrianisation project. This latest stage in London’s evolution will change entire character of the Strand and surrounding area. This is, of course, a positive change as it will make the area far more accommodating and welcoming to those travelling on foot, visitors and Londoners alike.

Change in London always provokes the mind to look back into the past to understand the genealogy of an area. As a new chapter of the Strand’s history begins, there is a natural inclination to be curious about those that have gone before. A particularly useful tool in delving into a city’s past is through the eyes of its artists. An artist must balance their desire to depict the city, either visually or literarily, in a naturalistic manner such that it is recognisable, alongside the innate artistic impulse to capture and express emotion. Therefore, through observing past artistic interpretations of the Strand we are able to cast our minds back not just to an image, but to a feeling. The works discussed in this piece have been specifically chosen to reflect how the character of the Strand has changed from bustling commercial centre to busy thoroughfare. This reflection on the past helps contextualise the present and imagine the future.

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