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Scientists in Sports

Potential young scientistsPotential young scientistsFor King's College the future of the study of science and sport rests with prospective students, which explains the origin of the ‘Scientists in Sport’ education programme designed to inspire 11-14 year olds towards a range of scientific careers through the subject of sport.

The London Olympics and Paralympic games of 2012 have made linking science and sport seem exciting as well as logical.

Behind the initiative lies a study showing that 80 per cent of young people agree thatthey 'enjoy' science lessons while the number who aspire to a career in scienceis 2 per cent.

Professor Roger Morris, Head of the School of Biomedical Sciences at King’s College London, said: ‘It is vital to get more bright pupils interested in science as a career. The science underlying elite levels of performance, and detection of drug cheats, provides a unique opportunity to engage pupils with hands-on experiments.'

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