King's College London
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The World Anti-Doping Agency

Details for conference on ethicsDetails for conference on ethicsThe Sydney Olympics in 2000 witnessed the launch of a further initiative - the creation of a team of independent observers to audit anti-doping procedures at major sporting events including the Tour de France and the Davis Cup.

The organisation also oversees the granting of so-called 'Therapeutic Use Exemptions' to athletes who fall ill and are prescribed medications that appear on the Prohibited List. Published guides also provide athletes with a list of which medications are permitted for common ailments such as asthma, hay fever, colds and skin infections.

Dietary supplements are also of concern as they are often unregulated and may be contaminated by substances that are banned.

Natural and herbal remedies such as ginseng and echinacea are also a potential problem area as their chemical compositions are often little understood and they sometimes contain stimulants not listed on the label.

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