King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Shakespeare in the archives at King's

Shakespeare at King's

image of Gollancz seated in suit, balding gentleman with large moustache, smiling, wearing pince-nez glasses attached to a cordProfessor Sir Israel Gollancz (1863-1930)Israel Gollancz, Professor of English Language and Literature at King’s from 1903 until his death in 1930, promoted the study of Shakespeare. He was general editor of the Temple Shakespeare series, and was involved in early attempts to set up a National Theatre.

King’s has also been home to other notable Shakespeare scholars: Caroline Spurgeon, who attended King’s College Ladies Department in the 1890s, published the seminal work, Shakespeare’s Imagery in 1935.

Theatre historian Allardyce Nicoll, founding director of the Shakespeare Institute in Stratford upon Avon, taught at King’s under Gollancz.

Geoffrey Bullough, editor of Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare, and general editors of the Arden Shakespeare including Richard Proudfoot and Anne Thompson also taught Shakespeare here at King’s.

Professor Gordon McMullan is Director of the London Shakespeare Centre, which he co-founded at King’s in 2009.

Throughout 2016, the London Shakespeare Centre will present talks, debates, performances and other events as part of Shakespeare 400, a consortium of leading cultural, creative and educational institutions in and around London.

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