King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Mayhem in the Metropolis


The post-1918 relationship between the Colleges' student populations was one of light-hearted frivolity, mirth and mayhem characterising the era of the flapper.

During the 1930s this quickly changed with the deterioration in the international outlook and the arrival of a more politically conscious student. King's students organised a mock motorcade down the Strand dressed as Hitler with Nazis in attendance.

Light relief from the ominous political situation was also provided in 1938 when King's College students and their mascot marched on the offices of the Daily Herald following an article that had described Reggie as a 'toy tiger'. An apology was duly received.

The King's College - University College rivalry was suspended during World War Two, not least because of the evacuation of faculties to provincial cities. The mood of the time was captured by a representative at the British Students' congress at Leeds who spoke of the need for students to contribute to the war effort and not be viewed as 'dilettante idiots'.

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