King's College London
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Pankratien facsimile

Pankratien's version of the Lembke title pagePankratien's version of the Lembke title pageThis fascimile version is a manuscript copy of the entire book Compendium Physicae Theoretico Experimentalis in Usum Auditorium Concinnatum by Johann Lembke, 1740 made by Nicodemus Pankratien in 1773.

Johann Lembke (1686-1746) was a German professor of medicine and author.

As well as making an exact reproduction of the text, Pankratien also duplicated the illustrations, including this meticulous version of the engraved author portrait from the front page.

It is unknown who commissioned this fascimile and to what purpose, but it remains a showcase for the skill and patience of the copyist.

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