King's College London
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Lectures for women

Drawing of two women facing each other over a desk extending their hands to a globe of the world with the woman on the right in academic gowns and the one on the left dressed in jester's hat and dress with bells and holding a mask by her backDrawing for the King's College Ladies Dramatic Club 1904Lectures for women began at King's in 1878. These were by no means the first in London but they quickly proved popular and led to the opening, in 1885, of a 'Ladies Department' in Kensington providing a liberal arts syllabus.

At this stage, they were considered second-class students and kept at a distance - physically and metaphorically - from the main campus in the Strand.

Women made steady progress at King's in part via the Household and Social Science Department in Kensington, which was opened in 1915 and grew out of King's College for Women.

The Department, that eventually became independent of King's and was renamed Queen Elizabeth College in 1953, focussed on the teaching of nutrition, hygiene and bacteriology.

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