King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Coming to London


==insert description of image=King's College Unemployed Men's Camp 1937King's students have always been heavily involved in supporting London charities in aid of the poor, sick and disadvantaged.

During the 1930s, for example, students held out the hand of friendship to German refugees via the International Student Service, and with other universities, between 1933 and 1938 raising Ā£20,000 for resettlement of young people fleeing Nazi tyranny.

The plight of unemployed men in London and elsewhere during the Depression was alleviated by King's contribution to an unemployed men's camp funded by the University of London Union but staffed by King's volunteers.

The month long camp provided for outdoors work, sport and games 'in an atmosphere of good fellowship'. In 1938, for example, the camp comprised an archaeological dig at Mitford Castle in Northumberland.

The Hop Pickers

King's Christian heritage was reflected in a number of its charitable activities, notably the post World War Two mission to London hop-pickers in Kent.

Volunteers undertook Sunday school teaching, organised events and entertainments, a canteen and free medical treatment.

The Lion Club

More directly beneficial to the lives of the poor in London was the Lion Club - a volunteer hostel for poor boys in the East End set up in 1931. The Club organised sports, including boxing and table tennis, craft workshops and a canteen.

It continued to thrive after the Second World War in its rather bleak premises in Hoxton, the King's student volunteers devising ever more ingenious schemes to raise funds, for example by parking a barrel organ outside the Windmill Theatre and being photographed alongside a troupe of enthusiastic 'Windmill Girls'.

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