King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Coming to London

Lodging within King's

List of prices for 15 rooms available within the college for students at King's College London; the first for sitting room with bedroom separate available at sixty pounds per academical year or 22 pounds per termTerms for students living with King's 1894-1895 The original design of King's as a day college for the sons of London's aspiring middle classes ensured that many students were locals already familiar with the city. It was presumed that most would live with their parents or take rented accommodation.

Soon, however, students began arriving from all over the United Kingdom and the Empire.

A few lodged in College in a small number of rooms set aside to raise much needed extra income: the Old Chambers overlooking the quad and the New Chambers accommodating fourteen, mainly medical, students, overlooking the river.

Resident students were entitled to dine in hall and use other facilities including the river terrace and a common room supplied with the latest newspapers and magazines.

The behaviour of young men lodging in College was closely monitored. One such boarder, a medical student named Ernest White, later recalled an occasion in 1871 when he and twelve friends jumped into a four in hand (a type of carriage) and careered through the College archway to the annoyance of the Principal, who was quietly observing their antics.

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