King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
In the Beginning ...

Medical education

page of printed text listing courses for medical students in 1836 including anatomy, physiology, botany, chemistry, materia medica, forensic medicine, midwifery and surgery with chargesCourse of study for King's College Medical Students 1836-1837Early medical students attended lectures and dissections in the Strand buildings but clinical work was carried out in neighbouring hospitals such as the Charing Cross.

Problems of falling student numbers, rising costs and low morale among staff soon became apparent.Ā  Discipline among medical students was especially difficult to enforce - they regularly skipped chapel attendance - while even some staff were occasionally in trouble with the law.

The faculty was reorganised with the arrival of Robert Bentley Todd as Professor of Physiology in 1836, who introduced a scholarships scheme and tightened discipline.

The Medical course was generally much more intense than General Literature and Science as its students strived to meet the requirements of the Society of Apothecaries and College of Surgeons, and included anatomy, botany, chemistry, midwifery and surgery.

Indeed, the medical curriculum theoretically required attendance at a variety of lectures, the earliest of which were timetabled at 8 am and the latest at 9 pm.

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