King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
On Afghanistan's plains

Waziristan, 1919-1920

A group photo of Afghan tribesmen with guns in turbans along with one man in a pith helmetNorth West Frontier tribesmen

Operations transferred to the Waziristan region following raiding attacks by Waziri and Mahsud (or Mehsud) tribesmen seeking to exploit the Afghan war to win their own concessions.

The campaign lasted about a year and involved heavy fighting in difficult mountainous terrain, requiring a considerable logistical investment with the construction of new roads, reservoirs and fortifications.

Visual evidence for the campaign is found in a remarkable series of photographs taken by Charles Foulkes, an expert on gas warfare who was despatched to the region to investigate the possibility of using poison gas against the Waziris. Some are included below.

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