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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1985-1986-97

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9b FACULTY OF LIFE SCIENCES Gillian Bennett SC LONDON Julie Betts Richard Eggett BIOL Jennifer Grubb Beatrice Steel HUMAN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE CHELSEA CAMPUS HORTENSIA ROAD Professor of Environmental Biology and Head of Department Peter Peterson SC AUCKLAND PH LONDON 1971 Senior Lecturers Peter Williams SC LEICESTER PH READING Deputy Head of Department 1961 Stuart Chant SC PH EDINBURGH DIP AG SCI CAMBRIDGE DIP TROP AGRC TRINIDAD Director of Studies in Microbiology 1959 Thomas Young SC SC PH LONDON BIOL BIOL Admissions Tutor 1967 Lecturers Roland Bailey SC NOTTINGHAM PH EXETER 1967 Anthony Bark SC SOUTHAMPTON PH LONDON 1970 David Cartwright SC ASTON PH LONDON 1979 Maurice Jones SC ABERYSTWYTH Student Course Adviser 1960 Allan Pentecost SC LONDON PH WALES 1978 Steven Smith SC PH 1978 Elizabeth Street MONTREAL WATERLOO CANADA PH LONDON part-time 1976 Secretarial Staff Frances Douse Principal Clerk 197A Sima Saremi Chief Clerk 1984 Technical Staff Renu Chowdhury 1978 Susan Creaton 1980 Anthony Cullen 1980 Gerald Gilbert 1983 Amal Ghosh 1964 Alan Ginman 1976 Michael Gover 1971 Gwendoline Hawley 1979 Paul Manley 1980 Stephen Parker 1976 Reginald Reed 1953 Betty Southwell 1977
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