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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1985-1986-94

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FACULTY OF LIFE SCIENCES 93 Director of the Cell Biophysics Unit 1971 fFrancis Edmund Gabriel Cox SC EXETER PH SC LONDON BIOL Professor of Zoology 1959 Readers Thomas Cavalier-Smith CAMBRIDGE PH LONDON 1969 Hannah Jane Gould PH HARVARD 1970 Lecturers James Allan SC PH EDINBURGH 1985 Stanley David Dover OXFORD and CAMBRIDGE PH LONDON 1973 Peter Anthony Minter Eagles SC SHEFFIELD PHIL OXFORD 1977 Roger Kelvin Patient SC EXETER PH BIRMINGHAM 1981 Gareth Jones SC LONDON PH GLASGOW 1971 Ernest Gwyn Jordan SC PH LONDON 1966 Research Fellows and Honorary Lecturers Malcolm Irving CAMBRIDGE SC PH LONDON Royal Society 1983 Research Fellow 1984 Arthur Elliott SC PH DURHAM SC UTRECHT 1963 Anna Koffer DIP CHEM PRAGUE PH LONDON 1984 Diana Jane Moss SC PH BRISTOL Royal Society 1983 Research Fellow 1984 Honorary Lecturers MRC Cell Biophysics Unit Pauline Mary Bennett SC SUSSEX SC McMASTER PH LONDON 1984 Dennis Clive Haverland Bray SC LONDON PH 1978 Jeremy Patrick Brockes CAMBRIDGE PH EDINBURGH 1984 Graham Arthur Dunn SC PH LONDON 1984 Walter Bruno Gratzer SC OXFORD PH LONDON 1963 Edward Joseph O'Brien PH CAMBRIDGE 1970 John Scholes SC PH ST ANDREWS 1978 Administrative Officer Derek Michael Drummie LAMPETER 1978 Secretarial Staff Doreen Anne Collins 1968 Patricia Alma Collins 1984 Jacqueline Cynthia Purcell 1985 Technical Staff Alison Claire Brewer CAMBRIDGE 1981 Wai Nam Chow 1982 Stephen Durr 1981 Alistair John Edgar SC LONDON SC CNAA 1984 Willie Christopher Perara SC CEYLON PH 1985 Kaveri Rangachari 1979 Retnambal Rao SC KERALA 1975 Berchelle Aloysius Rose 1963
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