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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1985-1986-91

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90 FACULTY OF LIFE SCIENCES Jennifer Elsden SC WALES 1974 Andrew Timothy Kettle SC NEWCASTLE 1984 Mary Ann Lagesse BSC BIRMINGHAM 1983 Hilary McPhail SC LONDON 1984 Frances Shanahan SC LONDON 1982 Gary Strickland 1980 Gerard Michael White 1980 Diana Wylie 1984 Ancillary Martin Christopher Vincent 1984 BIOLOGY STRAND CAMPUS Professor and Head of Department Christopher Barry Cox OXFORD PH CAMBRIDGE SC LONDON 1956 Reader in Zoology Shirley Elizabeth Hawkins SC PH LONDON 1959 Lecturers Roland Hugh Emson BSC PH WALES 1963 Nigel Anthony Evans SC PH BIRMINGHAM CAMBRIDGE 1978 Gillian Davies Sales SC PH LONDON 1974 Bryan Dennis Turner SC LONDON PH LEEDS 1973 Philip John Whitfield PH CAMBRIDGE 1970 Technicians Peter Saunders 1964 Alan John Howard 1969 Barry Christopher Taylor ENG CE 1974 Peter Cooper John James 1975 Andrew Langridge SC 1979 Andrew Michael Christopher 1979 Alan John Maple 1973 Stephanie Margaret Millot SC EDINBURGH SC BRUNEL 1979 Simon John Robson 1980 Michael Joseph Graham 1985 Departmental Secretary Flora Mary Kerrigan 1974 KENSINGTON CAMPUS Professor of Plant Physiology and Head of Kensington Laboratories Michael Black SC SC PH MANCHESTER 1960
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