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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1985-1986-84

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FACULTY OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 83 Research Registrars Savitri Kakkar 1984 Efthimia Melissari DIPLOMA IN MEDICINE 1981 Senior Research Fellows Paul Stroobant PH SC 1985 Peter Gorog PH SC 1985 Research Assistants Sunil Kumar Joseph SC 1983 Sushild Krishnamurthi PH 1983 Vincent Ellis SC 1979 Research Technician Ruth Mary Sanderson SC 1981 Research Co-Ordinator Janet Winnifred McClement SC 1981 Cell Biologist Chryso Kanthou SC 1983 Junior MLSO Malcolm McGregor BSC 1985 Secretarial Staff Elizabeth Wilson 1982 Eileen Bayford 1982 Vivien Crisell 1984 COURSES OFFERED IN THE FACULTY SC Nuclear Medicine Clinical Biochemistry Medical Immunology PHIL and PH
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