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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1985-1986-83

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82 faculty of clinical medicine THORACIC MEDICINE Head of Department John Costello ch β α ο 1977 Senior Lecturer Duncan Charles Seton Hutchison ch 1968 Honorary Senior Lecturers John Moxham 1984 Priscilla Piper sc ph 1984 Lecturer Barry James Gray ch 1979 William Norman Gardner phil 1981 Research Fellow Brendan Gerard Loftus 1983 Unit Manager Research Assistant Leonard Alfred Smith 1967 Research Assistants Mohammed Shahabu Meah sc sc 1985 Jerzy Zakrzewski ph 1983 Chief MLSO Margaret Marie Rusbridge sc 1969 Junior MLSOs Julia Callagham 1979 Janice Lamb 1983 Secretary Alyson Elizabeth Morris 1985 THROMBOSIS RESEARCH UNIT Professor of Surgical Sciences and Head of Department Vijay Vir Kakkar 1969 Senior Lecturer Michael Finbarr Scully sc ph 1980 Clinical Lecturer Padraig Seamus Malone ch β α ο sc 1984
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