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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1985-1986-75

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74 FACULTY OF CLINIC AL MEDICINE Junior MLSO Lindsey Bevis 1984 LIVER UNIT Director Roger Stanley Williams 1966 Professor of Liver Immunology Adrian Leonard William Francis Eddleston CH 1969 Lecturers AdrianBomford BSC 1979 Robin David Hughes BSC PH 1974 Paul Richard Powell-Jackson CHIR 1977 John Michael Tredger BSC PH 1976 David Westaby CHIR 1980 Honorary Lecturer Research Fellow Elizabeth Fagan MB Research Fellows Barbara Maria Wojcicka SC SC 1977 Christopher David Gove BSC SC PH 1979 Fergus Davison BSC PH 1982 John Gerald Kenna BSC PH 1979 James Neuberger CH 1978 Roland Jarlath Ede 1981 John Joseph Keating CH 1983 Charles Joseph O'Brien MB CH 1983 Rex James Poison SC 1984 Mark Lawrence Wilkinson SC 1981 Research Associate Kayham Taiebeh Nouri-Aria BSC 1985 Research Assistants PeterTickellDonaldson BSC 1982 Peter Geoffrey Langley SC PH 1975 Research MLSO Stephanie Joy Roberts BSC 1983 Glasswasher Irene Maud Rawlinson 1984
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