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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1985-1986-65

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64 FACULTY OF CLINICAL DENTISTRY Belinda Jane Lund 1980 David John Bevans 1985 Jenny Hughes 1964 Peter Aldous Pearson 1975 Honorary Lecturer Gavin Gill 1985 Dental Technicians Geoffrey David Illman 1957 David Peters 1983 Akhil Agrawal 1984 Douglas Mathew Auld 1983 Lesley Ann Hall 1983 Dental Technical Instructor Michael Nesbit 1984 Laboratory Aides Pamela Ann Critchley 1984 Pamela Ivy Faulkner 1979 Secretaries Cynthia Casimir 1977 Susan Hodges 1977 DENTAL RADIOLOGY Reader in Dental Radiology and Head of Department Norman John David Smith PHIL SC 1964 Lecturer Malcolm Graham Hamilton Bishop SC 1972 ORAL MICROBIOLOGY Senior Lecturer Graham Frederick Tinsley DIP BACT 1964 Lecturer Caroline Louise Pankhurst BSC PH 1985
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