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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1985-1986-53

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52 FACULTY OF EDUCATION Dean Paul Joseph Black Professor of Science Education Vice-Dean To be appointed Sub-Dean To be appointed CENTRE FOR EDUCATIONAL STUDIES CHELSEA CAMPUS 552 KING'S ROAD Professor of Science Education and Head of Department Paul Joseph Black SC MANCHESTER PH CAMBRIDGE INST 1976 Professors David Nicholson Aspin DURHAM PH NOTTINGHAM 1979 William Brian Davies BSC ECON LONDON 1979 David Carlton Johnson COLEGATE PH MINNESOTA Shell Professor of Mathematics Education 1978 Arthur Maurice Lucas ED MELBOURNE PH OHIO STATE BIOL Professor of Science Curriculum Studies 1980 Reader in Mathematics Education Margaret Louise Brown CAMBRIDGE PH LONDON 1969 Senior Lecturers John Alan Barker SC LONDON BIOL 1967 Anthony Lowe Mansell BSC PH MANCHESTER 1968 John Victor Muir OXFORD 1968 Robert Neil Ryder CAMBRIDGE 1968 Lecturers Stephen John Ball ESSEX PHIL SUSSEX 1985 Barry Hesford Blakeley SC MANCHESTER 1973 Joan Frances Bliss es SC EDUC GENEVA 1971 Margaret Rosemary Massy Brook OXFORD 1979 Guy Lennox Claxton CAMBRIDGE PHIL OXFORD 1979 Margaret Josephine Cox BSC PH LONDON 1982 Barbara Gillian Donmall LONDON ALBERTA 1979 Robert Wilfred Fairbrother SC PH LONDON INST 1967 Erica Glynn BSC PH LONDON 1968 David Charles Harris CAMBRIDGE PHIL SUSSEX 1971 John Harris PH CAMBRIDGE 1968 John Oliver Head BSC NOTTINGHAM SUSSEX PH LONDON 1970 John Neville Honey SC LONDON ED READING 1976 John Baker May SC AGRIC PHIL LONDON 1969
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