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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1985-1986-150

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Page content

iso ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF STAFF Name Area of Work Page Holland MrRA Management Studies Κ 110 Holloway Dr Psychological Medicine 80 Holwill Dr Μ Ε Physics 113 Honey Mr Ν Education 52 Hook Mr Spanish 49 Hopkins Mr Philosophy 48 Home Revd Β Christian Doctrine History 117 Hough Mr Prosthetics 67 Hough Prof Chemistry Κ 107 Houghton Dr Ρ Pharmacy 101 Houghton Mrs Surgery 81 Houlden Revd Canon Biblical Studies 116 Hoult Dr Pharmacology 99 Howard Mr Orthodontics 66 Howe Dr Ρ Mathematics 111 Howe Prof Physiology Κ 103 Howell Dr Μ Biochemistry Κ 89 Howell Dr Physiology Κ 103 Howells Mr Β Ρ French 44 Hubbard Dr Α Ε Β Geological Studies 109 Hughes Dr Μ Philosophy 48 Hughes Dr Μ Ν Chemistry 106 Hughes Dr Liver Unit 74 Hughes Mr Laws 84 Hughes Mr Τ Administration 23 Hughes Mrs Personnel 30 Hurley Mr Obstetrics Gynaecology 78 Hutchinson Mr Thoracic Medicine 82 Hutchinson Mr Ρ Computing 109 Hylands DrPJ Pharmacy 101 Illman Mr Conservation 64 Inglis Dr AT Conservation 63 Isoz Dr French 44 Jackson Mrs Registry 27 Jacobs Prof Laws 84 Jantzen Dr Μ History Philosophy of Religion 117 Jefferis Dr Civil Engineering 57 Jellett DrF Mathematics 111 Jenkins Mrs Library 120 Jessop Mr Μ Computer Centre 35 Johnson Mr Μ Ο Catering 24 Johnson Mrs Finance 26 Johnson Prof Education 52 Jones Dr Physics 113 Jones Dr Ε Biophysics Κ 93 Jones Dr Food Nutritional Sciences Κ 95 Jones Dr Κ Chemistry 106 Jones Mr Μ Η German 46
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