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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1985-1986-148

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148 alphabetical index of staff Name Area of Work Page Garrett Prof Oral Pathology 65 Gaunt Dr Physics 113 Gee Mrs Principal's Office 22 Geissler Dr Food Nutritional Sciences Κ 94 Gelbier Dr Community Dental Health 63 George Mr Μ Computer Centre Κ 34 Gibb Dr Μ Obstetrics Gynaecology 78 Gibson Dr Pharmacology 100 Giddings Mrs Ε Laws 84 Gilbert Mr Ρ Administration 23 Gilbey Dr Diabetic 72 Gillett Dr Haematology 73 Gillies Dr History Philosophy of Science 110 Ginsburg Prof Μ Pharmacology 100 Giuliano Mr Μ Finance 26 Glaser Mr Η Computing 109 Glass MrDCK German 46 Gledhill Dr Μ Chemical Pathology 70 Glynn Dr Ε Education 52 Gold Prof Chemistry 106 Goodinson Dr Ρ Mathematics 111 Goodman Mrs Μ Nursing Studies 98 Goodyear Mrs Administration 38 Gordon-Weekes Dr Ρ Anatomy Human Biology 87 Gorog Dr Ρ Thrombosis Research Unit 83 Gorrod Prof Pharmacy 100 Gosney Prof Β Mechanical Engineering 60 Gotham Mrs Μ Neurology 77 Gould Dr Η Biophysics DL 93 Gove Mr Liver Unit 74 Grant Dr Ε Anatomy Human Biology 87 Grant Prof EH Physics 112 Gray Dr Β Thoracic Medicine 82 Gredley Mr Β Classics 43 Green Mr Geography 45 Green Dr Μ French 44 Greene Mr Pharmacy 101 Greenough Dr Child Health 71 Greer Dr Η Psychological Medicine 80 Grenfell Dr Diabetic 72 Griffiths Dr Physics 113 Griffiths Mr Library 120 Gronow Dr Μ Obstetrics Gynaecology 78 Groves Miss Residences 37 Guest Prof Laws 84 Gulliford Mr Finance 25 Gunton Revd Prof Ε Christian Doctrine History 116 Hackett Dr Obstetrics Gynaecology 78
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