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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1985-1986-146

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Page content

140 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF STAFF Name Area of Work Page Darwin Mr Biology Κ 91 Davey Dr Μ Biophysics 94 Davies Dr DI Chemistry 106 Davies Dr Physics 113 Davies Mr Κ Pharmacology 100 Davies Prof Ε Β Mathematics 111 Davies Prof Β Education 52 Davis Mr Μ Prosthetics 67 Davison Dr Liver Unit 74 Davy Ms Μ Library 120 Dawes Mr Η Pharmacy 101 Dawson Dr Biochemistry 88 Degnan Ms Residences 37 De Oliveira-Pinto Dr Mathematics 111 De Trafford Miss Medical Engineering Physics 75 Deeley Dr Ε Μ Electrical Engineering 58 Delves Mr Τ Physics 113 Demaine Dr Physiology Κ 103 Dempsey Mr Pharmacy 101 Dennison Mrs Ε Finance 26 Desai Mrs Ν Medical Microbiology 76 Devereux Miss CAM Registry 28 Dine Dr Μ Laws 85 Dinsdale Miss Chemistry 107 Dionisotti Miss Classics 43 Dixon Dr Κ Civil Engineering 57 Dockray Dr Μ Laws 84 Dockrill Dr Μ War Studies 50 Donaldson Mr Ρ Τ Liver Unit 74 Donmall Miss Β Education 52 Doornkamp Dr Geography 45 Dover Dr Biophysics DL 93 Drummie Mr Μ Biophysics DL 93 Dunnage Dr Ε Mathematics 111 Eagles Dr Ρ Μ Biophysics DL 93 Earles Prof Ε Mechanical Engineering 60 Eastham Prof MSP Mathematics 111 Ebringer Dr Μ Biochemistry Κ 89 Eddleston Prof Liver Unit 74 Ede Dr Liver Unit 74 Edmonds Dr Μ Ε Diabetic 72 Eley Dr Β Μ Periodontology 66 Elliott Miss Ε Μ Library 120 Elliott Miss Chemistry 107 Ellis Dr Ρ Food Nutritional Sciences Κ 95 Ellis Mr Thrombosis Research Unit 83 El-Shazly Dr Μ Μ Psychological Medicine 80 Embleton Prof Geography 45
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