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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1985-1986-145

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Page content

ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF STAFF 145 Name Area of Work Page Chissick Dr Chemistry 106 Chomet Mr Physics 113 Chong Dr Κ Child Health 71 Churchfield DrJS Biology Κ 91 Churchill Mr Κ Η Registry Κ 28 Clack Miss Β Registry 38 Clark DrJM Nursing Studies 98 Clark Mr Estates 31 Clarke Dr French 44 Clarke Dr Ν Μ Physics 113 Clarke Mr Ρ Β History Philosophy of Religion 117 Clarkson Mr Education 53 Clarkson Mr Τ Electrical Engineering 58 Claxton Dr Education 53 Clements Revd Prof Ε Biblical Studies 116 Clogg Mr Μ Modern Greek 42 Coen Dr Anatomy Human Biology 87 Coggins Revd Biblical Studies 116 Colegrave Dr Κ Mathematics 111 Coleman Miss Μ Geography 45 Collins Dr Τ Physics 113 Collins Prof Ρ Obstetrics Gynaecology 77 Conlon Miss Student Services 29 Cooper Dr Administration 40 Coran Mr Student Sevices 29 Cotter Dr Biochemistry 88 Cotton Mr Τ Medical Engineering Physics 75 Cowan Dr Pharmacy 101 Cowan Dr Biology HL 91 Cowan Miss Μ Medical Engineering Physics 75 Coward Mr Τ Prosthetics 67 Cowen Miss Μ English 43 Cox Dr Μ Education 52 Cox Prof Β Biology 90 Cox Prof Ε Biophysics 93 Crewe Miss Personnel 30 Croft MrSJ Computing 109 Crooks Dr Ε Chemistry 106 Cundy Dr Τ Medicine 76 Cunningham Mr Ρ Computer Centre Κ 34 Currie Dr Ε Ρ Medical Microbiology 75 Curry Ms Β Computer Centre 35 Cushing Ms Μ Community Dental Health 63 Cuthbert Mr Personnel 30 Cyster Mr Ε Community Medicine 72 Damani Dr Pharmacy 101 Dance Dr Ν Ε Biochemistry Κ 89 Danielian Dr Physics 113
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