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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1985-1986-144

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Page content

144 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF STAFF Name Area of Work Page Britton Prof JL Mathematics 111 Brook Mrs Μ Μ Education 52 Brooking Mrs JI Nursing Studies 98 Brooks Dr Anatomy Human Biology 87 Brown Dr Ε Physics 113 Brown Dr Μ Education 52 Brown Dr Ρ Biochemistry 88 Brown Dr Β Anatomy Human Biology 87 Brown Mr Η Management Studies Κ 110 Brown Prof History 46 Brown Prof Τ Palaeography 47 Brownbridge Dr Ρ Chemistry 106 Brunsden Prof Geography 45 Buckton Mr Pharmacy 101 Bugg Mr Ν Administration 32 Burge Prof Ε Physics 112 Burgoyne Dr Mathematics 111 Burtt Dr Β Electrical Engineering 58 Bushnell Dr Mathematics 111 Butt DrJW Spanish 49 Butterworth Dr Ρ Biochemistry Κ 89 Buxton Prof Ν Computing 108 Byerley Dr Computer Centre 35 Byrne Mr Ρ History Philosophy of Religion 117 CalIard MrJ Library 120 Cameron Miss Registry 28 Cameron Prof Μ Classics 42 Cammack Dr Biochemistry Κ 89 Campbell Dr Κ Laws 85 Campbell Prof Obstetrics Gynaecology 77 Canas-Rodriguez Dr Pharmacy 101 Cannon Dr Μ Biochemistry 88 Carter Mrs Administration 39 Cartwright Dr Human Environmental Science 96 Casewell Prof Μ Medical Microbiology 75 Caunter Dr Mathematics 111 Causton Dr Β Ε Medical Engineering Physics 75 Cavalier-Smith Dr Τ Biophysics DL 93 Chabal Dr Ρ Ε Portuguese 49 Champ Dr Christian Doctrine History 117 Chandler Mr Μ Civil Engineering 57 Chant Dr Human Environmental Science 96 Chapman Dr Μ Biology Κ 91 Chapman Ms Ε Nursing Studies 98 Charlton Mr Mathematics 111 Charlwood Dr Β Biology Κ 91 Chesterton Dr Biochemistry 88 Chisholm Dr Ρ Μ Biophysics 94
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