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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1985-1986-143

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ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF STAFF 143 Name Area of Work Page Bassett Dr Η Civil Engineering 57 Bately Prof Μ English 43 Bates Mr Finance 39 Baum Prof Η Biochemistry Κ 89 Baum Prof Μ Surgery 80 Bazin Dr Μ Microbiology Κ 97 Beaton Dr Μ Modern Greek 42 Beddow Dr Μ German 46 Begley Dr Physiology 103 Bell Prof Μ Mathematics 111 Bellingham Prof Haematology 73 Ben-Avi Dr Computing 108 Bennett Dr French 44 Bennett Dr Surgery 80 Bennetto Dr Η Ρ Chemistry Κ 108 Bergman Dr Electrical Engineering 58 Best Mr Ε Computer Centre 35 Bhan DrV Obstetrics Gynaecology 78 Bhatia Mr Ν Orthodontics 78 Bibby Mr Ν Education 53 Bird Mr MR Computing 108 Bird Dr Chemistry Κ 108 Bissett Dr Ν Pharmacy 101 Bittles Dr Η Anatomy Human Biology 87 Black Prof Μ Biology Κ 90 Black Prof Ρ Education 52 Black SirJW Analytical Pharmacology 69 Blackburn Mr Laws 85 Blair Mr Estates 31 Blakeley Mr Β Η Education 52 Bliss Miss Education 52 Bloomfield Dr Pharmacy 101 Bomf ord Dr Β Liver Unit 74 Bond Mr Β War Studies 50 Booker Dr Μ Obstetrics Gynaecology 78 Booth Dr Μ Chemical Pathology 70 Born Prof GVR Pharmacology 99 Borrett Dr Ν Mechanical Engineering 60 Botting Dr Η Pharmacology 100 Boud Mr Μ Computing 109 Bpyce Dr Physics 113 Boycott Prof Β Β Biophysics DL 92 Boyd Prof Chemistry Κ 107 Bradbeer Prof Biology HL 91 Bradbury Prof MWB Physiology 103 Bradshaw Mr Finance 26 Brafield Dr Ε Biology Κ 91 Bragman Dr Medical Microbiology 75
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