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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1985-1986-142

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142 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF STAFF The following list does not include staff working on part-time or visiting basis nor does it include staff in grades other than academic or academic-related Where the area of work has no code it is on the Strand campus Others are as follows Κ Kensington campus Chelsea campus Denmark Hill campus DL Drury Lane HL Half Moon Lane Name Area of Work Page Abbott Dr Ν Physiology 103 Adby Dr Ρ Electrical Engineering 58 Aghvami Dr Η Electrical Engineering 59 A'hem Mr Ρ Surgery 81 Akhras Dr Cardiac 70 Allan Dr Biophysics DL 93 Allen Mr Catering 24 Allwood Dr Computer Centre 34 Anagnostopoulos Dr Microbiology Κ 97 Anderson Dr Η Μ Obstetrics Gynaecology 78 Anderson Prof Medicine 76 Andrews MrKRF Civil Engineering 57 Anning Mr Ρ Η Registry 28 Armitage Dr Chemistry 106 Arnstein Prof Η Biochemistry 88 Aspin Prof Ν Education 52 Aucott Ms Μ Periodontology 67 Auden-Davies Ms Ε Registry 27 Bailey Dr Human Environmental Science 96 Baillie Dr Ρ Physiology Κ 103 Bainbridge Dr Β Microbiology Κ 97 Baker Prof Ρ Physiology 103 Baldick DrRJ History Philosophy of Religion 117 Ball Dr Education 52 Ball Mr Ο Finance Officer 25 Ballentyne Mr Finance 39 Balyuzi Dr Η Η Μ Physics 113 Banner Dr Μ Τ Biochemistry Κ 89 Bark Dr AW Human Environmental Science 96 Barker Mr Education 52 Barnard Dr Mathematics 111 Barnard Mr Obstetrics Gynaecology 78 Barrett Dr Chemistry Κ 108 Barringer Mrs Μ Administration 38 Barron Prof Ρ Classics 42 Bass Dr Μ Psychological Medicine 80
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