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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1985-1986-138

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FELLOWS OF THE COLLEGE 137 1949 Livingstone James 1979 McCombie SC ENG CENG MECH 1980 McCormack John Desmond 1945 McDowall Professor Robert John Stewart SC EDIN 1979 Mackay Professor Donald MacCrimmon PH INST 1985 Maddox John 1985 Mann CD 1984 Mann Sir Michael LL PH 1983 Martin Professor Laurence Woodward PH 1968 Mascall The Revd Professor Eric Lionel SC 1985 Matthews SC 1966 Maybray-King The Right Hon Lord PH HON LL 1984 Mayne 1980 Mellows Professor Anthony Roger LL 1972 Merriman James Henry Herbert SC INST CENG 1973 Merrison Sir Alexander Walter 1985 Middleton 1985 Miles Dame Margaret 1956 Moore Roy 1960 Morrell The Rt Revd James Herbert Lloyd 1980 Newman Dr Charles 1983 Newman Frank PH 1980 Nicol Professor Donald MacGillivray PH 1962 Nineham The Revd Professor Dennis Eric HON 1982 Normanby The Marquess of 1952 Noble Sir Peter LL 1972 Nott The Very Revd Michael John 1977 Nuttall The Revd Geoffrey 1976 Oatley Sir Charles 1985 Orde MrsA 1985 Osman 1983 Ouston Professor Philip Anfield PH 1973 Owen The Revd Professor Huw Parri 1972 Parrinder The Revd Professor Edward Geoffrey PH HON LITT 1978 Peel Sir John 1985 Phelps PHIL 1979 Pincher Chapman SC 1979 Pope Professor Sir Joseph Α SC PH 1970 Price Professor William Charles SC INST 1979 Pugh Professor John Charles PH 1975 Ramphal Shridath Surendranath KT SC LL 1961 Ramsey The Rt Revd and Rt Hon Lord PC 1981 Rayne The Lord 1985 Robertson Professor Andrew John Blackford PH SC CHEM Companion 1973 Robinson The Revd Canon Joseph TH 1981 Roderick John Stuart 1974 Rose Professor Horace Edgar SC ENG CENG MECH 1969 Rupp The Revd Professor Ernest Gordon 1981 Runcie The Most Revd Rt Hon Robert Alexander Kennedy
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