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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1985-1986-135

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134 FELLOWS OF THE COLLEGE living at 31 July 1985 This list incorporates Fellows of King's College London the former King's College Hospital Medical School the former Queen Elizabeth College and the former Chelsea College Those elected originally to the three latter institutions are denoted as follows 1King's College Hospital Medical School 2Queen Elizabeth College 3Chelsea College Date of Election 1978 Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother 1969 Ackroyd The Revd Professor Peter Runham PHD HON 1979 Arnstein Professor Henry Rudolph Victor PH SC BIOL 1985 Baker Professor Peter Frederick 1984 Balchin Professor William George Victor PH 1985 Barnes Dame Josephine 1985 Barnes Robert SC SC INST 1968 Bathurst Maurice Edward LL HON 1985 Beevor 1961 Bell Clarissa Courtney 1982 Bell Professor Ernest Arthur BSC PH CHEM 1976 Bernard Miss Joan 1973 Berrill Sir Kenneth BSC 1985 Binney 1973 Bishop Dame Joyce 1985 Bishop Arthur Clive SC PH 1968 Bondi Professor Sir Hermann HON SC 1985 Bondy 1984 Bonner Professor SC 1976 Boon William Robert SC PH 1980 Bowen Edward 1976 Bowron John Lewis LL 1967 Boxer Professor Charles Ralph HON UTT ET PHIL 1969 Boyden Harold James 1955 Brierley Philip Reginald SC ENC 1975 Brown Professor Julian 1985 Brown 1976 Browne Stanley George 1971 Brownlee Professor George PH SC 1979 Butcher Mollie Bertha 1976 Cadogan John Ivan George DSC 1952 Carpenter The Very Revd Edward Frederick PH 1959 Catcheside Professor David Guthrie DSC 1984 Chapman Professor PH SC BIOL 1982 Churchill The Very Revd John Howard 1977 Clarke Arthur BSC 1965 Clarke His Honour Judge Edward 1976 Clayton Sir Stanley 1972 Clegg Sir Alec
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