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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1985-1986-129

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128 committee structure THE DELEGACY OF KING'S COLLEGE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY MEMBERSHIP Chairman The Rt Hon Sir Frank Cooper Ex-officio members Professor Sutherland Mr Cotton ch Professor Baker sc Mr Gainsford Professor Webster bsc ph Professor Watson Dr Fisher ch Sir Frank Mills Appointed members Dr Ingram sc Dr Forsythe obst Dr Kemp Mr Leworthy Sir John Vane phil sc Mr Wates Dr Prince sc ph Dr Soames ph Dr Inglis ph Mr Rogers Dr Cundy chir Dr Zilkha Dr Jewitt sc Professor CD Marsden sc mb Professor Smith ph pharm Mr Collinson Mr Harding Secretary to the Delegacy Mr Musselwhite Barrister COMMITTEES OF THE DELEGACY The Boards of the Faculties of Basic Medical Sciences Clinical Dentistry and Clinical Medicine Cancer Research Campaign Trials Centre Management Committee Equipment Committee Joint Research Committee reports also to the District Management Team of Camberwell Health Authority Library Committee Rayne Management Committee Resources Planning Group
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