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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1985-1986-128

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Page content

COMMITTEE STRUCTURE 127 LIST OF COMMITTEES Committees Reporting Direct to the Council Finance Staff and General Purposes Committee Appeal Committee Disciplinary Committee Committees Reporting through Finance Staff and General Purposes Committee Safety Policy Committee Staffing Committees Academic Staff with Sub-Committee for Training of Academic Staff Academic-Related Staff Clerical Secretarial and Related Staff Technical Staff Manual Staff Building Committee with Accommodation Sub-Committee Amenities Committee Joint Sports Ground Committee reporting via Amenities Committee Rogate Management Committee Joint Committees with AUT ASTMS NALGO NUPE Hall Management Committees reporting via Amenities Committee Committee Reporting Direct to Academic Board Standing Committee Committees Reporting through the Standing Committee Computer Services Policy Committee Educational Technology Committee Faculty Boards Library Committee Students Affairs and'Welfare Committee Committee Reporting to both Standing Committee and Finance Staff and General Purposes Committee Planning and Resources Committee Committee Reporting through Planning and Resources Committee Research Committee
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