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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1985-1986-125

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124 COMMITTEE STRUCTURE THE COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP Chairman The Rt Hon Earl Jellicoe HON LL Life Members The Rt Hon Lord Edmund-Davies LL Sir Peter Noble HON LL Ex Officio The Principal The Vice-Principal Appointed Members After consultation with the Visitor Shridath Ramphal KT LL After consultation with KCLA Edwards SC CENG After consultation with the Senate Cotton CH Professor Lasko After consultation with ILEA To be appointed Other persons The Hon Mrs Baring Dame Josephine Barnes Professor Cadogan PH SC CHEM The Right Hon Sir Frank Cooper Edelman Esq PH The Rt Revd and Rt Hon Ellison PC Sir Monty Finniston BSC PH Hill John Maddox Esq Macnamara Esq Treasurer Philpott Esq PH Professor Sir George Porter BSC PH SC Redfern Esq Wright Esq Elected Members Professors Professor Bately Department of English
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