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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1985-1986-122

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THE LIBRARY 121 GENERAL INFORMATION The Library supports the academic activity of the College through the provision of wide range of services Principally the Library comprises bookstock of nearly 800 000 volumes most of which are available for loan It is especially strong in those subjects for which the College has particular teaching responsibility within the University of London Ecclesiastical History Educational Studies Food Science and Nutrition Imperial History Modern Greek Portuguese and Brazilian literature and history Spanish Latin-American literature Theology and War Studies The Library is often able to supplement its own lending service by borrowing from other libraries Other facilities include literature searches by computer photocopiers microform readers and microcomputers full service is provided on each of the four major campuses and smaller libraries are located at the Department of Biophysics the Department of Plant Sciences King's Road Pulton Place and the Rogate Field Centre HOURS OF OPENING The hours of opening vary slightly from campus to campus Full details are posted outside all reading rooms and are published also in the Library Guides see below REGULATIONS Use of the Library is governed by the Regulations published separately LIBRARY INDUCTION Introductory talks and tours are arranged for new students Further instruction in the use of the Library is available on an individual basis LIBRARY GUIDES Full details of all Library services are given in the Library Guides copies of which are available from all reading rooms LOCATION OF BOOKSTOCK Given that the academic activity of the College is currently undertaken at four main campuses the Library bookstock is divided with the purpose of supporting that activity as effectively as possible The present location of bookstock is in broad terms as follows Strand Chelsea Arts Education Basic Medical Sciences Electronics Engineering except Electronics History and Philosophy of Science LaWS Human Environmental Science usjc Pharmacology Natural Sciences Pharmacy 010 Denmark Hill Kensington Clinical Dentistry Life Sciences Clinical Medicine
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