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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1985-1986-118

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faculty of theology and religious studies 117 Visiting Professor John Todd ma CAMBRIDGE Lecturers Judith Frances Champ BRISTOL ph BIRMINGHAM Lecturer in Ecclesiastical History 1979 Reverend Brian Lawrence Home NATAL GENERAL SEMINARY NEW YORK litt DURHAM ph LONDON Lecturer in Christian Doctrine 1967 Christoph Schwobel dr theol PHILIPS-UNIVERSITAT MARBURG Lecturer in Systematic Theology 1986 Ruth Annette Chavasse OXFORD part-time Lecturer in Ecclesiastical History 1982 Honorary Research Fellow Andrew Walker HULL sc SALFORD ph LONDON 1985 Departmental Secretary Christine Jean Bishop 1955 HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION Frederick Denison Maurice Professor of Moral and Social Theology and Head of Department Reverend John Stephen Keith Ward WALES litt OXFORD CAMBRIDGE 1983 Professor of History and Philosophy of Religion To be appointed Professor of Philosophy of Religion Stewart Ross Sutherland ABERDEEN and CAMBRIDGE Principal of King's College London KQC 1977 Lecturers Peter Ashby Byrne YORK phil OXFORD 1975 Robert Julian Baldick phil OXFORD 1978 Peter Bernard Clarke OXFORD LONDON phil LONDON 1984 Grace Marion Jantzen SASKATCHEWAN ph calgary phil OXFORD 1980 Friedhelm Ernst Hardy phil OXFORD 1974 Terry Tastard temporary 1985 Honorary Senior Research Fellow in the History of Ideas Bryan Magee Departmental Secretary Betty Dorothy Wood 1973
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