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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1985-1986-102

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FACULTY OF LIFE SCIENCES 101 Visiting Professors Trevor Mervyn Jones PHARM PH LONDON CHEM 1984 Peter Elworthy PFLARM LONDON SC MANCHESTER PH SC LONDON CHEM 1984 Honorary Research Fellow Arthur James PHIL SC OXFORD CHEM 1984 Professor in Pharmacognosy Norman Bisset SC PH SC 1967 Reader in Pharmaceutical Technology Neiton Pilpel SC PH LONDON SC 1964 Senior Lecturers Walter Alan Ross SC PH LONDON CHEM 1951 Joseph Robert Nixon PHARM PH LONDON 1958 Lecturers Sally Bloomfield PHARM PH NOTTINGHAM 1972 Graham Buckton PFLARM LONDON 1984 David Cowan PHARM PH LONDON 1971 Antonio Canas-Rodriguez DEGREE OF LICENTIATE SEVILLE DOCTOR OF CHEMISTRY MADRID PH EDINBURGH Visiting Professor at Seville and Granada Universities 1972 Vernon Haydn Dawes DIP PHARM NATAL SC 1978 Lyaquatali Abdulrasul Damani PHARM SC PH LONDON 1986 Geoffrey Dempsey SC MANCHESTER 1960 Norman Evans PHARM LONDON PHARM 1967 Arnold Rosen SC LONDON PH 1967 Anthony Edward Theobald PFLARM PH LONDON Lecturer and Senior Tutor 1964 Russell Jason Greene PHARM NOTTINGHAM SC BATH 1980 Peter John Houghton PHARM PH LONDON CHEM 1971 Peter John Hylands PHARM PH LONDON CHEM 1973 Margaret Jayne Lawrence SC LIVERPOOL 1984 Other Staff Arnold Heyworth Beckett SC PH SC LONDON HON SC HERIOT WATT HON SC UPPSALA HON SC LONDON CHEM Emeritus Professor of Pharmacy Norman David Harris PHARM PH LONDON Emeritus Reader in Pharmaceutics 1952 Secretarial Staff Mary Thura Frances Burdett 1969 Olukemi Olaniyan 1980 Maureen Ann Sharpe 1978
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