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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1984-1985-54

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60 Staff Satclicll Derek Peter Norman ph sc chem Professor of Chemistry 1955 Saunders ph Senior Lecturer in Mathematics 1984 Savile Anthony phil Lecturer in Philosophy 1984 Scanlon Geraldine ph Lecturer in Spanish 1971 Scholes John sc ph Honorary Lecturer in Biophysics 1978 Scoltock Stephen sc Computer Programmer Computer Centre 1980 Scrutton Michael Christopher phil Professor of Biochemistry 1974t Shadrakc Anthonv Michael Assistant Librarian 1964 Sherman William Francis sc ph so Reader in Physics 1959 Silk Michael Stephen ph Lecturer in Classics 1970 Silvester John Richard ph Lecturer in Mathematics 1969 Simmons Norman Harvey Research Grant Accountant 1978 Simmons Robert Malcolm sc ph Professor of Biophysics 198 cf Simons Timothy John Bricrley ph Lecturer in Physiology 1975 Skinner Margaret sc Computer Programmer and Special Lecturer in Computing Methods Computer Centre 1977 Smith Anthony Aston ph enc corr mf che DlAGF Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy 1957 Smith Frederick Richard phil Lecturer in French 1958 Smith Steven SC ph Lecturer in Human Environmental Studies 1978 Soames Roger William sc ph Senior Lecturer in Anatomy 1977 Sorabji Richard Rustom Kharsedji phil Professor of Ancient Philosophy 1970 Sorrell Alan Principal Clerk Services Engineers' Department 1972 Spencer Michael use ph Research Fellow and Honorary Lecturer in Biophysics 1968 Spencer Neill sc ph Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry 1959 Spencer-Smith Richard Mervyn phd Temporary Lecturer in Philosophy 1984 Stanton Graham Norman ph Professor of New Testament Studies 1970 Stoddart David Michael bsc ph Reader in Zoology and Scientific Co-ordinator Rogate Field Studies Centre 1969 Stokes Alexander Rawson ph finst Visiting Lecturer in Physics 19470
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