Calendar: 1982-1983 Page 50
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56 Staff Naftalin Richard Julian ch sc ph Reader in Physiology 1975t Neidle Stephen sc ph Research Fellow and Honorary Lecturer in Biophysics 1973 Nelson Mrs Janet Laughland ph Lecturer in History 1970 Newson Linda Ann ph Lecturer in Geography 1971 Nicholas John Edward sc ph Senior Lecturer in Chem- istry 1965 Nicol Donald MacGillivray ph Koraes Professor of Modern Greek 1970 Nokes David Leonard ph Lecturer in English 1973 Nunn Peter Bruce sc ph Lecturer in Biochemistry 1970 O'Brien Edward Joseph ph Honorary Lecturer in Biophysics 1970 Olah George Α ph Honorary Visiting Lecturer in Chemistry 1973 Oldham John Wilson sc ph Lecturer in Geology 1969 Oliviera Silva Α Leitor in Portuguese 1981 Ormond Mrs Leonee Lecturer in English 1965 Ouston Philip Anfield ph Professor of French Language and Literature 1975 Overill Richard sc ph Computer Programmer and Special Lecturer in Computing Methods Computer Centre 1975 Overy Richard James ph Lecturer in History 1980 Owen Revd Huw Parri Emeritus Professor of Christian Doctrine 19620 Packer John sc ph Computer Programmer and Special Lecturer in Computing Methods Computer Centre 1973 Paskins Barrie Alexander ph Lecturer in the Ethical Aspects of War 1971 Paterson Mrs Anna Tora sc ph Lecturer in Anatomy 1973 Paterson Gavin sc pharm sc ph Senior Lecturer in Phar- macology 1956 Patient Roger Kelvin sc ph Lecturer in Molecular Genetics 1981 Patterson Hugh Foggan Secretary 1977 Paul Graham Rene sc ph Lecturer in Mechanical Engineer- ing 1978 Perryman Frederick Walter Head Clerk 1951 Petrobelli Pierluigi dottore in lettere Visiting Professor of Music 1973
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