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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1982-1983-47

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Staff 53 Hipkiss Alan Roger sc ph Lecturer in Biochemistry 1968 Hodgkin Luke Howard phil Reader in Mathematics 1970 Hoffman Peter John Catering Officer 1979 Hoggart Keith sc Lecturer in Geography 1978 Holder Nigel Henry Keith sc ph Lecturer in Anatomy 1979 Honey John Neville sc ed Lecturer in Education 1976 Hook David Lecturer in Spanish 1974 Hopkins Glen James Lecturer in Philosophy 1972 Horne Revd Brian Lawrence litt ph Lecturer in Christian Doctrine 1967 Houlden Revd Canon James Leslie Lecturer in New Testament Studies 1977 Hoult John Robert Stephen ph Lecturer in Pharmacology 1972 Howells Bernard Patrick Lecturer in French 1962 Howie Robert Andrew sc Professor of Mineralogy 1963 Hubbard Julia Anne Elizabeth Bruce sc ph Lecturer in Geology 1965 Huelin Revd Gordon th ph Part-time Tutor in Theology 1961 Hughes Anthony Dowdall Senior Lecturer in Laws 1959 Humphries Monica Margaret Acting Librarian 1979 Hutchinson Graham Leighton dip eng sc phil eng Lecturer in Civil Engineering 1974 Jacobs Francis Geoffrey phil Professor of European Law 1974 Janssen Paul Visiting Professor in Medical Science 1982 Jantzen Grace Marion ph Lecturer in Philosophy of Religion 1980 Jefferis Stephan Arthur ph Lecturer in Civil Engineering 1971 Jenkins Clare Frances Assistant Librarian 1980 John David Ivor sc ph Lecturer in Chemistry 1963 Johnson Alan Henry Visiting Lecturer in French 19580 Johnson Mrs Ann Principal Clerk Finance Department 1969 Johnson Edward Stewart sc ph Reader in Pharmacology 1975 Jones David Llanwyn sc ph Reader in Physics 1962 Jones Keith Lecturer in Chemistry 1979 Jones Martin Howard Lecturer in German 1968
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