Calendar: 1982-1983 Page 46
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52 Staff Gunton Revd Colin Ewart phil Lecturer in Systematic Theology 1969 Hackett Sir John ll Visiting Professor in Classics 1968 Hall Anthony sc ph Lecturer in Geology 1961 Hall Charles Dennis sc ph Lecturer in Chemistry 1963 Hall David Oakley sc agric ph Professor of Biology in the School of Biological Sciences 1964 Hall Peter Martin Panton Lecturer in French 1973 Hall Revd Stuart George μ α Professor of Ecclesiastical History 1978f Halliday John sc ph Lecturer in Pharmacology 1972 Halliwell Barry β α phil Lecturer in Biochemistry 1974 Hancock John Michael ph Reader in Geology 1955"f Hansen Mrs Moira Jacqueline sc Temporary Lecturer in Human Environmental Studies 1979 Hardy Friedhelm Ernst phil Lecturer in the Study of Religions 1973 Harries The Revd Richard Douglas Dean of King's College 1980 Harris sc eng ceng struct Visiting Professor in Civil Engineering 1981 Harris Ian bsc Senior Lecturer in Education 1964 Harris Michael Bernard Assistant to the Head of Administration and Bursar 1957 Harrison Robin Burnett ph Lecturer in German 1970 Harrow Stephen Paul Assistant Registrar 1968 Hart Michael ph sc inst Wheatslone Professor of Physics 1976 Harvey Leonard Patrick phil Cervantes Professor of Spanish 1973t Harvey William James sc ph Lecturer in Mathematics 1972 Hawken Robert Ernest sc eng Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 1963 Hawkins Shirley Elizabeth bsc ph Reader in Zoology 1959t Heath Michael John ph Lecturer in French 1979 Hibbert Frank bsc ph Lecturer in Chemistry 1979 Hickling Revd Colin John Anderson Lecturer in New Testament Studies 1965
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