Calendar: 1982-1983 Page 42
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48 Staff Brown Mrs Christine Computer Programmer Computer Centre 1972 Brown Geoffrey Lawrence sc ph Honorary Lecturer in Biophysics 1964 Brown Paul Richard sc ph Lecturer in Biochemistry 1973 Brown Reginald Allen litt Professor of History 1959 Brown Thomas Julian Professor of Palaeography 1961f Brown William Anthony Barry sc ph orth Reader in Dental Anatomy 1971 t" Brunsden Denys sc ph Reader in Geography 1960 Bugg Richard Nicholas Manager Audio Visual Unit 1977 Burgoyne Frank David sc ph Lecturer in Mathematics 1966 Burtt Roger Brian sctecr ph ceng inst Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 1962 Bushnell Colin John sc ph Lecturer in Mathematics 1975 Butcher Reginald William ph Visiting Professor in Bio- chemistry 1982 Butt John Walden ph Lecturer in Spanish 1965 Byrne Peter Ashby phil Lecturer in Philosophy of Religion 1975 Callard John Acting Deputy Librarian and Catalogue Co-ordinator 1965 Cameron Mrs Averil Millicent ph Professor of Ancient History 1965 Cammack Richard β α ph Lecturer in Botany 1971 Cannon Michael β α sc ph Reader in Biochemistry 1966 Carpenter John Lecturer in Botany 1945 Cavalier-Smith Thomas ph Reader in Biophysics 1969 Champ Judith Frances Lecturer in Ecclesiastical History 1979 Chandler Adrian Mark sc eng Lecturer in Civil Engineering 1981 Charlton Kenneth ed Professor of the History of Education 1972f Charlwood Barry Victor sc ph Lecturer in Botany 1974 Chesterton Charles James bsc ph Lecturer in Biochemistry 1972 Chissick Seymour Solomon sc ph chem Assistant Director of Chemical Laboratories 1968 Chloros Judge Alexander George ll Visiting Professor in Laws 1959
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