Calendar: 1982-1983 Page 173
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Names of the Past and Present Staff ZO 1836 Thomas Bell 1905 Arthur Dendy sc 1925 Julian Sorell Huxley 1927 Doris Livingston Mackinnon sc ll 1949 James Frederic Danielli ph sc biol Professoi 1962 Ben Dawes OLOGY Professors 1963 Donald Ramsay Arthur sc ph sc biol 1975 Francis Edmund Gabriel Cox ph sc biol 1976 Christopher Barry Cox ph dsc of Parasitology sc biol MATHEMATICS 1830 Thomas Grainger Hall 1869 William Henry Drew 1882 William Henry Hoar Hudson 1903 Stuart Arthur Frank White 1912 John William Nicholson ma sc sc 1922 George Barker Jeffery ma sc 1924 Arthur Ernest Jolliffe 1932 George Temple ph dsc 1936 John Greenlees Semple ma ph mr Professors 1954 Sir Hermann Bondi hon sc 1962 Albrecht Frohlich bsc ph 1966 Clive William Kilmister sc ph 1967 Felix Arnold Edward Pirani sc ph 1969 Philip John Higgins ma ph 1971 John Gerald Taylor bsc phd 1981 Ε Davies β phil
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