Calendar: 1982-1983 Page 168
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Page content
186 Names of the Past and Present Staff Koraes Professors 1919 Arnold Joseph Toynbee 1963 Cyril Mango doc dun1v 1926 Frederick Henry Marshall 1946-60 Romilly James Heald Jenkins 1970 Donald MacGillivray Nicol μ λ ph α PORTUGUESE AND BRAZILIAN STUDIES Camoens Professors of Portuguese 1919 George Young 1967 Stephen Reckert litt ph 1923-36 Edgar Prestage litt 1982 Helder Malta Macedo ph 1947 Charles Ralph Boxer hon litt et phil SPANISH AND SPANISH AMERICAN STUDIES 1831 de Mendibil 1832 Μ de Alcala ll 1842 Angel de Villalobos 1847 Robert Lott Professors 1851 Joaquimo Antonio Curtoys 1852 Juan Calderon 1891 Ricardo Ramirez Cervantes Professors 1916 James Fitzmaurice-Kelly litt 1953 Alexander Augustine Parker 1963 Royston Oscar Jones 1930 Antonio Pastor litt phil 1973 Leonard Patrick Harvey 1945 Edward Meryon Wilson ph phil WAR STUDIES Professors 1963 Michael Eliot Howard 1968 Laurence Woodward Martin μ α ph 1982 Lawrence David Freedman econ phil phil For Economic Science and Statistics Moral Philosophy Political Economy Public Reading and Speaking Landscape Drawing and Perspective Fine rt Theory of the Fine rts Fencing for the Division of Architecture transferred to University College in 1913 for Oriental Languages transferred in 1917 to The School of Oriental Studies for Slavonic Studies transfened to the University in 1932 Italian and Journalism discontinued in 1939 and Psychology transferred to Birkbeck CoUege in 1943 see the Calendars for 1939-40 and earlier years
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