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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1981-1982-21

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24 Sketch of the Development of King's College budgeting on the recommendations of the University Grants Committee as interpreted by the court of London University The difficulties of access to private benefactions and endowments which have marked every stage in the history of the College and have hindered development plans on numerous occasions became less important after the First World War One or two munificent dona- tions including sum of over Ā£47 000 from the second Viscount Hambleden treasurer of the council and first chairman of the delegacy have helped towards special ends nation-wide public subscription on the occasion of the College centenary in 1929 made it possible for the development of the north-east block over Aldwych station to be put in hand Since the 1940s more value has been derived from ad hoc grants for special purposes of research Thus the Medical Research Council has given generous assistance enabling important pioneer work in biophysics to be developed since 1946 and laboratory build- ing in Drury Lane to be provided to this end in 1963 Developments 1939-1980 The names of members of the College who fell in the wars of 1914-18 and 1939-45 are commemorated at the entrance to the chapel The Second World War necessitated the evacuation of the London colleges under government orders Four faculties of King's College enjoyed from 1939 the hospitality of Bristol and its University Part of the King's library was destroyed there by enemy action The faculty of medical science received hospitality from the Universities of Glasgow and Birmingham laws joined its colleagues of University College and London School of Economics at Cambridge until 1945 But the majority of the College personnel were back in 1942 and 1943 The story of the evacuation is told in the College calendar for 1946-47 The College buildings were fairly severely damaged during the war Bombs opened up to the sky some of the accommodation of the lower floors and damage was extensive in the quadrangle Repairs and re- construction enabled better and extended premises to be constructed for the physics and engineering departments formal opening of these was undertaken by Lord Cherwell in 1952 Generally speaking the work of the College has been conducted within the confines of the narrow rectangle originally made over by the Crown To this have been added multiplicity of small plots of land within the quadrilateral between Surrey Street and the eastern
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