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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1980-1981-167

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Names of the Past and Present Staff 183 FACULTY OF ARTS CLASSICAL LITERATURE Professors 1831 1835 1863 1870 1879 1945 1953 William Charles Flamstead Walters μ λ James Alexander Kerr Thomson Joseph Anstice 1901 Robert William Browne James Gylby Lonsdale 1923 Joseph Bickersteth Mayor George Charles Winter Warr Professors of Creek Language and Literature Leonard Robert Palmer 1971 John Penrose PHIL PH PHIl Apr Reginald Pepys Winning- ton-Ingram hon litt Professors of Latin Language and Literature 1946 William Stuart Maguinness 1972 Alan Douglas Edward Cameron 1977 Barron Edward Courtney 1959 1978 ANCIENT HISTORY Professors Howard Hayes Scullard ph Averil Milicent Cameron ph ENGLISH LITERATURE AND MODERN FIISTORY Professors 1835 Thomas Dale 1853 George Webbe Dasent cl 1840 Frederick Denison Maurice 1865 John Sherren Brewer ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Professors 1854 1855 1877 1903 1927 1939 John James Stewart Perowne John Sherren Brewer John Wesley Hales Sir Israel Gollancz lit Arthur William Reed lit Charles Leslie Wrenn 947 Geoffrey Bullough 1956 1965 1968 1976 George Norman Garmonsway George Joseph Kane ph Roger Sharrock litt Janet Margaret Bately HISTORY 1855 1876 1885 1912 1934 1962 Professors Charles Henry Pearson 1968 Samuel Rawson Gardiner Sir John Knox Laughton μ α 1973 lit irrr FosseyJohn Cobb Hearnshaw μ α 1975 ix Charles Harold Williams 1978 Arthur Geoffrey Dickens lit John Huxtable Elliott μ α ph Helmut Georg Koenigsberger ph Reginald Allan Brown phil Peter James Marshall phil
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