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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1980-1981-123

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Page content

Faculties and Courses of Study 133 Departmental Secretary Mrs Sheila Whitlock Principal Clerk Chief Technicians Harrington Departmental Superintendent Packman Senior Technicians Edwards Elgar Green Heaney Τ Malik Payne ELECTRONIC AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING William Siemens Professor and Head of Department Turner sc london ph Stanford ceng Professor of Physical Electronics Lindsay ph sc eng london ceng inst Visiting Professor Swift-Hook sc ph ceng inst Reader Ε Deeley sc ph london ceng Senior Lecturers Wdliam Fraser sc eng london eng Boff sc london Lecturers Burtt sctech Manchester ph liver- pool ceng inst Hawken sc eng london Adby sc Leicester phil Sussex Redly sc ph st Andrews Illinois ceng Bergman sc eng ph london Tollyfield sc ph kent Part-time Lecturer Jolly sc eng Departmental Secretary Mrs Trinder-Widdess Principal Clerk
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